Ocean Freight – Meeting requirements for customers of all sizes


Focus on the right providers for you

Our Ocean Freight Buying Group activities focus on meeting stringent requirements for customers of all sizes. We will help you select the right provider. Then we will provide realistic forecasting to prevent issues before they happen, along with extended origin support and a global control tower for full visibility and control.

Tailored provider selection and management

e-llis has been negotiating global and local logistics contracts for years, with global scale volumes and best-in-class tendering processes that allow us to achieve market-outperforming rates. At the same time, we focus on matching our customers’ requirements with service providers of the right scale and capabilities. Once selected, we provide support to set up contracts and manage long-term relationships.

Focus on the right providers and support
Tailored provider selection and management
Realistic rolling forecasts
Fine-tuned capacity management
Real-time visibility and insight
Our greatest sense of satisfaction comes from our customers’ success, as they decide to implement our proposed solutions and reap the benefits of their optimized supply chain activities.
– Dorus van der Linden, Ocean Freight

Realistic rolling forecasts and fine-tuned capacity management

In global logistics, capacity management is key to the on-time fulfillment of customer requirements. e-llis, therefore, creates realistic rolling forecasts for all service providers, monitoring them to ensure that they are in line with the contracted capacity. This allows us to detect volume deviations before they actually impact operations. At the same time, our team cooperates closely with all contracted operators to fine-tune medium and short-term capacity fluctuations, with the single goal of fulfilling your shipping needs.

Extended origin support for immediate action

Whether you face a shipping delay from a vendor, an equipment shortage at the port, or an allocation issue on the carrier side, our local e-llis Ocean Freight team will intervene with all parties in their local market and time-zone.  

A control tower for reliable, real-time visibility and insight

Reliable, real-time insight is essential to the booking and transport execution process – it ensures that everybody has the same information at all times. Our central control tower provides the visibility needed to perform these activities and is available to all of our customers as you follow up on order and shipment progress.

Schedule a free introduction call.

Get the right support with the e-llis Ocean Freight Buying Group

We focus on meeting stringent requirements for customers of all sizes, and we will help you select the right provider with the right support. For more information about e-llis Ocean Freight Buying Group contact Dorus van der Linden.